Yoga techniques

Yoga is a mental and physical based health system utilized for many of years, starting in India, its place of origin and presently spreading throughout the world.

One of the causes its growing popularity is the fact that even doctors are speaking to patients about the value of yoga and it is being intensely studied by scientists.

What does yoga do for you?

In short, it calms and comforts both body and mind and uplifts the spirit. It’s a superb discipline for getting in shape and keeping healthy well. A great deal of people want to find out more about this calming practice, so this article is a primer to it.

There are height main branches of yoga summarized in this article.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is referred to as the yoga of movement. It is the one most often attributed to yoga. It involves the usage of many different physical postures, while also controlling and being aware of the breath. It holds that in these postures and breath exercises, the whole being - mind, body and soul - is completely cleansed. It is particularly meant for those of a intensely physical nature and temperament.

Karma Yoga

Karma yoga meditation is a dedication of one self. Karma yogis wish to live for the higher self (the soul) or God. But not anymore for for the ego.

Raja Yoga

Raja means “royal” and Raja Yoga is the branch of yoga mostly concerned with meditation. It is ideal for thoughtful and contemplative individuals. In this branch there are 8 ‘limbs’ or practices, constructed thousands of years ago in the work “Yoga Sutras” by the sage Patanjali, which should be be closely observed. They are yama-ethical standards, pranayama- control of breath, niyama-self-discipline, dharana-concentration, pratyahara-withdrawal of the sense, dhyana-meditation, and Samadhi-ecstasy or total liberation.

Laya Yoga

There are 2 energy centers in your head and 5 in your spine. The laya yogis know exactly how to find those centers. These centers function very much like doorways to different realms of greatly higher consciousness.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga can be called the path of devotion and is the ideal method for those who have emotional personalities. Bhakti yogis attempt to be aware that the divine is in all things around us and so every single action and thoughts must be inculcated with with spiritual underpinnings. Leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi are great examples of of this path.

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is the yoga of unselfish service. Yogis as persons who practice yoga are named believe in reincarnation. They follow the belief that what kind of life one is reincarnated into including whether someone comes back as another human or an animal, is based on the spiritual results of the actions in a person’s past life, referred to as Karma. The purpose of Karma Yoga is to free someone of carrying negative into future incarnations, through self-sacrificing service. Examples of selfless service include helping ou t at soup kitchens, volunteering with Doctors Without Borders, etc.

Tantra Yoga

Tantra Yoga has been greatly misunderstood. It’s created for those who are attracted to ritual and includes consecrated sexuality. The word “consecrated” is significant, since it doesn’t mean license to practice orgies. Instead, one of its central aspects is the withholding of ejaculation. Interestingly, given popular misconceptions, a few schools of Tantra Yoga recommend celibacy! It is particularly well-suited to those who are attracted to religious ceremonies and who receive inspiration from them.

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga can be understood as the yoga of study and is optimal for those who are intellectual. It purports to achieve freedom for its practitioners through the study of the yogic scriptures. It has been referred to as as the most direct, but at the same time the most challenging, of the branches of yoga

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